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Who Is A Fan Demi Too

Who is a fan Demi too can told me and I`ll put here a picture of Demi Lovato for him!
For VanGirl
For VanGirl

Comments • 8

LoveSellyAndDemi 6 July 2011  
and me!love you demi!!
MyIdolIsSelena 20 October 2010  
meeeeeeeeeee...............Love [DemzZ]
SellyJellyGomez 9 September 2010  
DemiLovatofan01 19 August 2010  
me i love her very very very.....much
demi is the best
alwaysme 18 August 2010  
MileySmileyx 6 August 2010  
I can't be a fan of demi,because she is my friend and..You can be a fan of your friend?:))

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DemzMegaFan 7 August 2010  
No, I can't :]] Demi is my friend too!
VanGirl 6 August 2010  
me! :D
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